A sunny fall day
Funny things
The other day as I was walking home from work, I crossed a bridge that I allways cross, and the first thing I see is a pair of swans butts sticking out of the wather. I guess they were looking for fish or something under the water, but it is a pretty funny sight, when all you see is their butts :) So that made me laugh, and think that God has a sense of humour, and it was like me and God were sharing that funny moment.
Picking apples
About Art
I've been reading something on Worldview and Art recently, it's written by Darrow L. Miller (not sure who he is, but it's good stuff), and I'd like to quote him a little here:
Aesthetic poverty in the church
"As western Culture turns its back on the Living God, it becomes utilitarian in imagination and taste. The modern world asks the pragmatic questions, "Will it work?" instead of "Is it true?"; "Is it valuable?" instead of "Is it good"; and "Is it functional?" instead of "Is it beautiful?"
In the midst of material wealth, the West today is morally, spiritually, and aesthetically bankrupt beacuse we have abandoned the Living God and the beauty of His holiness. As we have moved from an objective standard for beauty found in the beauty and holiness of God, to a standard steeped in relativism, beauty is truly "in the eye of the beholder."
This bankruptcy in the general culture has spread into the Church. While there is still a form of spirituality (or in some cases religiosity), the Church today is plagued by Greek Gnosticism, leading to anti-intellectualism, rising immorality, and anti-aestheticism. As the Church in the West lives in a post-Christian culture that denies the God who is Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, she takes on the values of the general culture.
The war against beauty in the Church is found in music of trite words and poor, shallow choruses and musicology. It is seen in buildings designed for utility (sometimes metal warehouses), and worship that focuses on making people feel good rather than glorifying God in the beauty of His holiness. This is all a reflection that we no longer "see" nor live in the reality of the beauty of His holiness.
We were made to create beauty and bring it into the fabric of our lives. Music is for our ears, painting for the eyes, meals for the eyes and palate, dance for the body, and sculpture for the touch. From the grand scale of a cityscape, to the flowers planted in a window box, man-made environments are to be infused with beauty. God is beautiful; He made a beautiful world (though marred by the Fall) and maade His human family to create beauty in their lives and the world."
I've been thinking alot about art recently, and beauty, and what I'm certain about is that we need beauty around us, and colors, beauty brings life and hope. I know I need it, as it's getting colder and darker outside, and the leaves are starting to fall from the trees. So I was really happy when I walked to this other part of town, not too far from where I live, and I found these streets full of cute, wooden houses in lots of different colors, the battery in my camera had died before the discovery, so I don't have any pictures to post here, but I'll go back there again :)
Aesthetic poverty in the church
"As western Culture turns its back on the Living God, it becomes utilitarian in imagination and taste. The modern world asks the pragmatic questions, "Will it work?" instead of "Is it true?"; "Is it valuable?" instead of "Is it good"; and "Is it functional?" instead of "Is it beautiful?"
In the midst of material wealth, the West today is morally, spiritually, and aesthetically bankrupt beacuse we have abandoned the Living God and the beauty of His holiness. As we have moved from an objective standard for beauty found in the beauty and holiness of God, to a standard steeped in relativism, beauty is truly "in the eye of the beholder."
This bankruptcy in the general culture has spread into the Church. While there is still a form of spirituality (or in some cases religiosity), the Church today is plagued by Greek Gnosticism, leading to anti-intellectualism, rising immorality, and anti-aestheticism. As the Church in the West lives in a post-Christian culture that denies the God who is Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, she takes on the values of the general culture.
The war against beauty in the Church is found in music of trite words and poor, shallow choruses and musicology. It is seen in buildings designed for utility (sometimes metal warehouses), and worship that focuses on making people feel good rather than glorifying God in the beauty of His holiness. This is all a reflection that we no longer "see" nor live in the reality of the beauty of His holiness.
We were made to create beauty and bring it into the fabric of our lives. Music is for our ears, painting for the eyes, meals for the eyes and palate, dance for the body, and sculpture for the touch. From the grand scale of a cityscape, to the flowers planted in a window box, man-made environments are to be infused with beauty. God is beautiful; He made a beautiful world (though marred by the Fall) and maade His human family to create beauty in their lives and the world."
I've been thinking alot about art recently, and beauty, and what I'm certain about is that we need beauty around us, and colors, beauty brings life and hope. I know I need it, as it's getting colder and darker outside, and the leaves are starting to fall from the trees. So I was really happy when I walked to this other part of town, not too far from where I live, and I found these streets full of cute, wooden houses in lots of different colors, the battery in my camera had died before the discovery, so I don't have any pictures to post here, but I'll go back there again :)
Things I've picked up at the fleamarket...
Beautiful Beatles
Showing some apple-love...
Blææææ.... hva kan jeg si, æsj, og dobbeltæsj! Jeg fatter ikke at det skal være så sinnsykt komplisert og leve noen ganger.... ja, jeg sikter til dustete papirarbeid og ting man må fylle ut med informasjon om både det ene og det andre, skjemaer for søknad om skattekort og sånn... Dette evige byråkratiet i dette landet som kalles Norge..... jeg kjenner jeg må frese litt... og får lyst til å dra til en deilig sydhavsøy med palmer og turkist, deilig hav med eksotiske fisker, hvor det IKKE finns noe byråkrati, jeg liker ikke ordet en gang, måtte bare få sagt det.
Sånn.... det føltes godt og få det ut.... tilbake til duste-skjemaet.... eller jeg tror jeg bare tar en telefon istedet, skjønner jo ikkeno' av det uansett... De sier alt er så lett, du kan bare laste ned og fylle ut sånne skjemaer og søknader om alt mulig på nettet.... det er ikke sant, jeg syns det er mye mer komplisert, jeg, også må du ha koder og sånn, og når du da prøver og melde flytting på internett, men må ha en kode, og de da sender den koden til din gamle adresse, hvor du ikke lengere bor, og hvor det ikke er noen hjemme heller.... Da er det mye bedre å gå til en skranke eller ta en telefon og prate med et menneske som kan veilede deg gjennom denne overgrodde, byråkrati-jungelen...
Ok, pust inn, pust ut.... rolig nå.
Takk for at jeg fikk øse ut litt tanker på en onsdags-formiddag.
-Småfrustrert og forvirret øy-Silje
Sånn.... det føltes godt og få det ut.... tilbake til duste-skjemaet.... eller jeg tror jeg bare tar en telefon istedet, skjønner jo ikkeno' av det uansett... De sier alt er så lett, du kan bare laste ned og fylle ut sånne skjemaer og søknader om alt mulig på nettet.... det er ikke sant, jeg syns det er mye mer komplisert, jeg, også må du ha koder og sånn, og når du da prøver og melde flytting på internett, men må ha en kode, og de da sender den koden til din gamle adresse, hvor du ikke lengere bor, og hvor det ikke er noen hjemme heller.... Da er det mye bedre å gå til en skranke eller ta en telefon og prate med et menneske som kan veilede deg gjennom denne overgrodde, byråkrati-jungelen...
Ok, pust inn, pust ut.... rolig nå.
Takk for at jeg fikk øse ut litt tanker på en onsdags-formiddag.
-Småfrustrert og forvirret øy-Silje
Tourist of the week

Time for another tourist-picture, this one was captured in Prague, don't know very much about him, but I found him interresting, I wonder what goes on in his mind, or rather what he is looking at, I think it's the look and the camera-bag that gives him away, otherways he could just have been an interresting local character. Any thoughts?
Nice lookin' cars...
Tourist of the week
This is a new series that I'm starting today, and I've called it: Tourist of the week, as you can see. It's pretty obvious and doesn't need a whole lot of explanation, yeah, that's right, I will post a picture (if I can remember) every week of an interresting tourist I've seen somewhere on the globe. I hope you will stop by every week to check it out, I don't think you'll be dissapointed.
Here's the first one: This classical american tourist was spotted outside Hard Rock Cafè in Kona, Hawaii, around may 2006. Well, you actually get two for the price of one in this picture. Enjoy!
Here's the first one: This classical american tourist was spotted outside Hard Rock Cafè in Kona, Hawaii, around may 2006. Well, you actually get two for the price of one in this picture. Enjoy!

A few pictures from my neighbourhood
Dogs of Prague...
Glimpses of Prague...
Bloggen og jeg er litt venner igjen.... det ble visst posta alikevel, men jeg kunne ikke se det på min.... teit. Jeg er ganske lost i dette blog-universet fremdeles, kan du si.... det er også derfor det har vært litt stille på bloggen min en stund, men nå skal jeg prøve å skjerpe meg...
Takk og hej,
Takk og hej,
Idiot blog...
Skjønner ikke bæret, bloggen og jeg er hvertfall ikke venner... den er jo skikkelig dust... Jeg skriver en blog og trykker publish... opp til flere ganger tilogmed, men dukker den opp på siden? Neida....
I'm oficially a full time caffeine-addict
So, what's new... a few things, I've moved to Oslo (the capital, for those of you that should wonder), I live in a cool part of town, where white norwegians are a minority. If I had some pictures, I'd post them here to show you, but that'll have to wait.
Johnny Cash is trying to get me to get rhythm, and he's pretty good at it.
Back to what's new in my life.... -I got a job! After going through fire and wather to get this job (abunch of phonecalls to track the boss down, then 2 interviews, and two "auditions", that's right.... ) I finally got it last friday. I got a little distracted again, this time by a chubby little sparrow on the balcony. What kind of job, you say? It's a full time job in a cafè/ espressobar, called Evita, they take coffee really serious, so I will learn to be a real barrista :) Which I'm excited about, get professional training.... learn alot about coffee and tea. So if you live in Oslo, or you're visiting or something- stop by for a cup of coffee :)
I think I'll call it a day.
Johnny Cash is trying to get me to get rhythm, and he's pretty good at it.
Back to what's new in my life.... -I got a job! After going through fire and wather to get this job (abunch of phonecalls to track the boss down, then 2 interviews, and two "auditions", that's right.... ) I finally got it last friday. I got a little distracted again, this time by a chubby little sparrow on the balcony. What kind of job, you say? It's a full time job in a cafè/ espressobar, called Evita, they take coffee really serious, so I will learn to be a real barrista :) Which I'm excited about, get professional training.... learn alot about coffee and tea. So if you live in Oslo, or you're visiting or something- stop by for a cup of coffee :)
I think I'll call it a day.